

To configure easy-rpc you can adjust two files. The erpc.json inside a project directory or a roles.json inside a source directory.

If you are unfamiliar with the project structure of an easy-rpc setup, see the setup guide in the getting started section


The erpc.json tells the transpiler that the current directory is a project directory for a role. It defines the used role with a "role" property. This string must match one of the roles configured in the used sources. The "sources" property is an array of source directories which should be used. The path can be relative to the erpc.json or absolute.

"sources": ["../sources"],
"role": "Backend"


The roles.json lives inside a source directory and specifies which roles are available to declare endpoints on.

"name": "Frontend",
"type": "browser",
"documentation": "This is a frontend client"
"name": "Backend",
"type": "http-server"

Each role has a name which it can be referred as and a type array which specifies of what kind the role is. Available values for the type attribute are

Value Description
http-server A server serving http requests
browser A webbrowser

The optional documentation can be used to provide more info on a role and what it does.